Abaixo, os vencedores do "Faith & Form 2014 Arte & Arquitetura religiosa":
West Side Presbyterian Church
Ridgewood, New Jersey
Newman Architects, PC - Watermark Community Church
Dallas, Texas
OMNIPLAN Architects - Residence for the Sisters of St. Joseph of Toronto
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Shim-Sutcliffe Architects - St. James Cathedral Centre
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
architectsAlliance - Proyecto Clamor de Paz
Guaimaca, Honduras
Paul Lukez Architecture - Prayer space in the “Floating School”
Shangkhaburi village, Thailand
Kochi University of Technology - St. Thomas More Catholic Church
Sarasota, Florida
JNW Studios Architecture • Interior Design - Our Lady of Mercy Chapel
Salve Regina University - Newport, Rhode Island
Robert A.M. Stern Architects, LLP - Lincoln Square Synagogue
New York, New York
CetraRuddy Architecture - KAPSARC Community Mosque
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
HOK - Temple Judea
Tarzana, California
Herman Coliver Locus Architecture - St. Ignatius Chapel at the Georgetown University
Bluemont, Virginia
Dynerman Architects, PC -
St. Gregory’s Church
Agrigento, Italy
Pellitteri & Associati Studio -
Church of St. Gregory the Great
Portsmouth, Rhode Island
Northeast Collaborative Architects - Emmanuel Episcopal Church
Athens, Georgia
Houser Walker Architecture, LLC - Christ Church Cambridge
Cambridge, Massachusetts
Frank Shirley Architects - First Presbyterian Church of Burbank
Burbank, California
domusstudio architecture - Boa Nova Church
Estoril, Portugal
Roseta Vaz Monteiro Arquitectos